Portfolio of Human Capital Development Interventions: we are specialists in a number of human capital interventions, in partnership with our associates, should your organization require cutting-edge assistance, or should you want to become Methods Associates, deployed under our organizations at our clients. The following are our various Portfolio of Services called METHODS offered under Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd, and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd:

COACHING METHODS: As coaches we work with your own people's content and inner energy. It is common knowledge that through coaching we are able to assist teams to access their inner capabilities and reach the set strategic and operational objectives. So, we offer individual one-on-one or teams coaching programme over a minimum period of 6 months, average period of 12 months, and maximum period of 24 months. Coaching is effective in stimulating growth of teams. It is highly recommended to teams with vast content and subject-matter expertise. You as a leader requires a shift to growth-mindset. The rest is left to us, the coaches, and your team. You will experience growth, in your team, that you have never imagined. Coaches wishing to become Coaching Methods associates of Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd are welcome to contact Ms Portia Diketane. Potential coaching clients may also contact her at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites www.SamTsima.com or www.Cometsa-GoC.com

MENTORING METHODS: A mentor is someone who is either elder or most experienced in a particular skill or a set of skills, and is bringing the junior or less knowledgeable individual along, by demonstrating, guiding or telling how it is done. The mentee is at liberty to have internal or external mentor to the organization. Ideally, the mentee must choose his/her own mentor, since a mentor is a confidante, and therefore mentorship programme requires trust between the mentor and mentee. Organizations must decide between formal and/or informal mentorship programmes. Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd facilitate the process of establishing formal mentorship programme for organizations, or the integration of informal mentorship programme into the organization's human capital development strategies and practices. Mentors wishing to become Mentoring Methods associates of Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd are welcome to contact Ms Portia Diketane. Clients may also contact her at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites www.SamTsima.com or www.Cometsa-GoC.com

ADVISORY METHODS: as management consultants we offer insights and advisory services in a number of business areas to clients. The advisory in business management and leadership ranges from strategic, specialized, technical and to operational. Offering advisory service does not absolve the client from the decision making responsibility. It is however assuring to the client to know that in us they have a thinking partner and a critical advisor in making difficult decisions. Professional and qualified business advisors wishing to become Advisory Methods associates of Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd are welcome to contact Ms Portia Diketane. Clients are also invited to contact her at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites www.SamTsima.com or www.Cometsa-GoC.com

FACILITATION METHODS: we are experts in getting the best out of people through facilitation. We appreciate the fact that the knowledge resides within people and it is the people themselves who must reach their knowledge reservoir. We do not bring knowledge but we uncover knowledge in people. We offer a variety of facilitation in strategy development, diversity management & inclusion, employment equity, skills development, corporate social responsibility, management & leadership development, orientation & induction, organization development & design, transformation & change management, and global talent mobility programmes. Facilitation professionals with interest in becoming our Facilitation Methods associates are invited to register with Ms Portia Diketane.Clients are also welcome to contact her at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or tel +27 11 974 9308; or visit our website www.SamTsima.com or www.Cometsa-GoC.com

CONSULTING METHODS: Consultants become deeper involved with the clients as they are expected to be solution providers, and not just pointing out the challenges facing the client. At our organizations we prefer long-term consulting relationship with our clients. We require the space to understand our clients' sectors, operating model, culture, and styles of management & leadership before we can prescribe consulting solutions. We do not believe in off the shelve solutions. Our methodologies are tested over time before they can be offered as generic offerings. All our associates go through induction and orientation programmes before they are assigned to our clients. Should you be keen to become our Consulting Methods associate or client contact Ms Portia Diketane, at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites www.SamTsima.com ; www.Cometsa-GoC.com

NETWORKING METHODS: sometimes the saying that it is not what you know but who know makes sense. This is a universal phenomenon. We do not want to be blind to this reality. This is more so with international cross border business networks. International business development professionals can link their success to the extent to which they are exposed to international networks. The same applies to local markets. The organizations requires business development practitioners that are well networked within the local national markets. The competence is the same, except that the complexities are different. It is not enough to belong to forums and clubs. You require a partner whose focus is on facilitating the establishment of networks that will result in value creation for your business. Your success is measured on the frequency of business networks that result in formal business deals being made. The networkers at Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd are able to perform cost-value analysis to give assurance on Return On Investment (ROI) before taking on assignment. We are keen to enlist more associate networkers in a number of national, global and regional markets. To join us as Networking Methods associates or potential clients contact Ms Portia Diketane at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308, or visit our websites www.SamTsima.com or www.Cometsa-GoC.com

COUNSELING METHODS: we are living during one of the most complex eras in our life history. Despite many interventions, the human beings are still finding themselves challenged by the demands of life. Contacting counseling professionals is not a sign of weakness but acknowledgement that we are part of the environment that defines our being. Seeking counseling is viewed as being in touch with self and having strong self-awareness capability. It does not matter how knowledgeable we are, we cannot help ourselves emotionally. We need independent professional counsellors to facilitate our healing process from many difficulties of both our private and professional lives. We are working with a number of professional, independent associate counsellors on demand to complement our portfolio of solutions. If interested in becoming one of our independent Counseling Method associates or potential clients you are welcome to contact Ms Portia Diketane at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites www.SamTsima.com ; www.Cometsa-GoC.com

STAKEHOLDER METHODS: we have, over many years, learned the value of active management of our relationship with stakeholders. Obviously, some stakeholders are more important than others because of their direct impact on our business. However, every stakeholder must be viewed as being equally valuable. This is because no stakeholder relationship is static. We have stakeholders who became connected to us with a very low value base, and over time grew to become strategic stakeholders due to their growing importance to our organization. We are therefore a management consulting company that believes in investing in programmes, events, initiatives and projects that directly benefit and grow our stakeholders. If the business of our stakeholders grow, we are bound to benefit directly. So, Stakeholder Methods focuses on growing our own stakeholders and their sectors. This is the only way we can guarantee growing economic sectors. We are constantly in need of Stakeholder Methods associates. Those interested in registering with Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd as associate Stakeholder Methods or as our potential clients are welcome to contact Ms Portia Diketane at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites: www.SamTsima.com ; www.Cometsa-GoC.com

TRANSFORMATION METHODS: it is said that the only constant thing is change. Transformation is a broader process of shifting from the current state of being to the future state of being by individuals, organizations, nations and the world at large. For transformation to happen change management must be facilitated. The affected individuals and entities must be helped to define the current state they want to move away from and the ideal future state they would like to attain. This process in change management is called goal-setting, without which it is difficult to sell the benefits of change to any person or organization. We are in need of experienced change management experts, change agents, and transformation facilitators to become Transformation Methods associates of Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd. Those interested and are experienced, and potential clients are welcome to contact Ms Portia Diketane at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites: www.SamTsima.com ; www.Cometsa-GoC.com

ENTREPRENEURSHIP METHODS: we have worked on a number of initiatives aimed at the development of entrepreneurs and promotion of entrepreneurship culture in South Africa. We have come to realize that entrepreneurship starts with an idea. It is however important that the owners of the ideas are assisted in bringing those ideas to reality. For this to happen there are many logical steps that a person must be exposed to in a practical manner. Therefore, this is not an event but a process. It can be a long journey of hard work, frustrations and challenges. It requires initial investment in a form of packaging of one's ideal business model, identification of the problems or challenges the idea or the enterprise aims to resolve, identification of the markets, development of networks to access such markets, establishment of the basic business infrastructure, development of trade identity, compliance with basic laws that govern the nature of the business, development of financing models, identification of the sources of funding, testing of sustainability of the business model, etc. Our Entrepreneurship Methods are not based on off the shelve solutions but are developed and applied according to the needs of the clients and beneficiaries. We are putting together a list of potential Entrepreneurship Methods associates to work with us in providing solutions and facilitating the development of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the markets in which we operate. To become the Entrepreneurship Methods associates of Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd and COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd or if you are a potential client, contact Ms Portia Diketane at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com or call her at tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites: www.SamTsima.com ; www.Cometsa-GoC.com

- ASSOCIATES DIVISION: this is our source of capacity to meet the forever growing demand for our portfolio of services by our current and new clients. We want you to join this great team of associates, who work as independents under the governance of our organization, delivering quality services according to our set standards, informed by the needs and expectations of our clients. All you need to do to register as our associate in your chosen Method is to send your one page profile to Portia. Based on the quality of your profile and your credentials, she will make sure that COMETSA Shared Services Management send you a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Form and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Form. You will need to complete the two forms, attach your certified copy of ID and/or passport and declaration that you are available to practice as an independent associate in your chosen Method with us. We will arrange a dialogue with you, either telephonically, via Skype or where possible face to face, to confirm your credentials and competences.

- PRACTITIONER ACADEMIES DIVISION: this is a home of our internal ongoing development of our Methodologists and Associates, to make sure that we continuously deliver according to our models and set standards. This does not lead to any academic qualification. It is a readiness mechanism for our Methodologists and Associates.

- PRACTICE DIVISION: all our Methodologists and Associates are deployed at our clients by the Practice Division within Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd, supported by COMETSA Shared Services Management within Tsima COMETSA Management (Pty) Ltd. Your rates are negotiated with our administrators, who take into account our agreements with the clients at which you are deployed. We are a progressive Management Consulting company that believes in empowering our Methodologists and Associates.

I look forward to working with you for a very long time.


Sam Tsima
COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd, and Sam Tsima World Wide Methods (Pty) Ltd
Email: callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com ; Tel: +27 11 974 9308
Websites: www.SamTsima.com ; www.Cometsa-GoC.com


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