MONTHLY DIALOGUES The Lekgotla Way, OUR HERITAGE:  Knowledge Creation - Knowledge Consolidation - Knowledge Sharing - Knowledge Appreciation - Knowledge Exchange - Knowledge Application - Knowledge Management - Knowledge Preservation - Growing Together

ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (EDN): Economic empowerment and transformation in the South African context means growing the participation by previously disadvantaged individual in the main economic sectors of the country. However, the current economic players seem not to see the benefit in allowing new players in. We want the current and aspiring entrepreneurs to come together and debate on what needs to happen to change the status quo. South Africa cannot be globally competitive as long as the bigger part of the population is excluded from the economic activity. This is self-defeating and must be addressed. Business, especially, the private sector must want to address this situation. It is to their benefit. Let us drive entrepreneurship development until we have reached the critical mass that guarantees the country a meaningful position in global entrepreneurship competitiveness. This is more than Black Economic Empowerment. It is about global entrepreneurship competitiveness. When are we going to feature meaningfully in global entrepreneurship week competitiveness?

THE 20th ANNIVERSARY INITIATIVE: We are marking COMETSA 20th Anniversary Celebrations in 2017 with the launch of the monthly COMETSA Professional Management Services – NETWORKS & FORUMS. These take a form of presentations, round-table discussions (dialogues and conversations), and questions & answers format facilitated by COMETSA Methodologists, Experts, Associates and Partners. In this fast changing world, it is impossible to remain at the required level of knowledge, expertise and information without formal and forums as part of continuous professional development. As a human capital development and management consulting company we see a need to coordinate and host such forums. Initially these forums will be hosted in Gauteng Province. In the near future we will make these Forums available across the country, in each Province, on demand.

RSVP: To enrol and participate in our public COMETSA Professional Management Services NETWORKS & FORUMS, contact our administrators Pinky Nevondo and Ayanda Oshima, at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.com ;  tel +27 11 974 9308 or visit our websites www.SamTsima.com  or www.Cometsa-GoC.com  


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