INVITATION: The LEKGOTLA Way Networks & Forums – 2017

Feb - COMETSA PMS Internal & External Mentors 
Network (IEMN)

·        Definition: The Internal & External Mentors Network is a platform for the human capital development practitioners who are charged with the responsibility of developing talent through mentoring. The extent to which Mentorship Programme in companies is formalized varies from one company to another. Irrespective of that, there is either an internal or external mentorship approach. The talent development circumstances of a company influence the approach that each company follows. Some companies have a combination of both internal and external mentorship programme. External Mentorship is mostly appropriate for the executives and senior managers. An Internal Mentorship programme would be more appropriate for the large portion of the staff. For any internal Mentorship programme to be successful, the company must develop a standard programme, and develop internal mentors to participate in the programme.

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 11th February 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

March - COMETSA PMS Diversity Management & Inclusion 
Forum (MDIF)

·        Definition: A company's economic success relies on its encouragement of employee competencies and diversity. Diversity Management seeks to strategically use the various talents of each employee, which are based on diverse cultural and social backgrounds, to increase entrepreneurial and economic success.

Themes: Diversity Management & Inclusion Guiding Principles; Broad Definition of Diversity Management & Inclusion; Reasons (and the Rationale) for Diversity Management & Inclusion; The Diversity Management & Inclusion Dimension; The Advantages and Objectives of Diversity Management & Inclusion; Diversity Management & Inclusion Challenges; Diversity Management & Inclusion Implementation Guidelines 

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 11th March 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

April - COMETSA PMS Social Media Practitioners 
Forum (SMPF)

·        Definition: Social media has taken the knowledge and information age to the highest level. It is not only about the knowledge and information alone, but the technology that enables us to play an active role in this era. It is very risky to ignore this platform. As much as it has its own risks, we cannot afford the risk of isolation. We are appealing to many professionals, especially the golden talent, i.e. those who consider themselves too old to be involved in social media, to welcome the challenge and embrace social media. If there is one form of exclusion people are likely to subject themselves to, it is opting not to be active in social media. Here is the platform to create your own community, based on your own creativity, and grow your following, and yet many of us we opt to ignore it. Rather learn to manage the terrain than staying out of it. The risk of isolation is too high and can be avoided. Participate in our dialogues and listen to the experts sharing their insights, advices, experiences, wisdoms and successes. You will feel more empowered and free.

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 8th April 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometers from the airport.

May - COMETSA PMS Work-Integrated Learning 
Network (WILNet)

·        Definition: Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is world-wide practice of combining education at the college with a stint at the work place relevant to the field of study, from  the beginning of the studies. In South Africa this is often confused with learnerships, graduate programmes, and on the job training after completion of studies. Work-Integrated Learning is is an integral part of the studies (the diploma or degree), and it is a partnership between the vocational office of the college or university, often referred to as Cooperative Education Division. The Cooperative Education Division work closely with the industry to determine the availability of learning spaces in the companies, while the Faculty Coordinators are there to make sure that the student fulfill the the faculty academic requirements as they go through the programme in the industry. All the Universities of Technology in South Africa, and some other Comprehensive & Traditional Universities are members of the Southern African Society for Cooperative Education (SASCE), , which advances WIL. Some TVET Colleges are also members of SASCE. COMETSA is an industry member of SASCE, and Mr Sam Tsima is a Board Member of SASCE. There are other companies and professional bodies who are also members of SASCE.

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 13th May 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

June - COMETSA PMS Youth Empowerment 
Network (YEN)

·        Definition: We have created this network to add to the country’s efforts in developing and empowering our youth. Every year in June, the South African youth month, we will host this network to remind ourselves that the youth are our future and we should take stock of how we are performing in their empowerment.
This network covers all the areas of our society where we want youth input and participation. We are proud of this network. It has been running annually since 2011 and we would like to promote it beyond South Africa and the continent. We want to connect our youth with the other youth of the world, and build exchange platforms and programmes, like the Conceptualizing a Successful & Sustainable Youth Enterprise Development Model (Products & Services, Business Development & Market Access, Systems & Knowledge Support, Exports Markets Development, Financial & Technical Support, etc.).

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 17th June 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

July - COMETSA PMS Employment Equity 
Forum (EEF)

·        Definition: The purpose of the Act (CH1; Section 2) is to achieve equity in the workplace, by promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment in employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination; and implementing affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups, to ensure their equitable representation in all occupational categories and levels in the workforce. 
Facilitation Guidelines: (i) Ultimate objective is to ensure the understanding of the role of the Employment Equity Forum; (ii) The Objectives, Tasks, and Outcomes of the Employment Equity Forum will be embraced by the members; (iii) The Members of the Employment Equity Forum will set the tone and give the direction to be followed; (iv) We will end the session as a collective and united members of the company's Employment Equity Forum;

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 8th July 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

Aug - COMETSA PMS Women Empowerment 
Network (WEN)

·        Definition: Since 2011 we have been hosting Women Empowerment sessions in August, the South African women's month, to support the country's commitment to empowering women and integrating them in the key sectors of our economy. This does not mean that men are excluded from this network. As long as they support the objectives of emancipating our female citizens, they are welcome to participate. Women are encouraged to take the leadership in their own empowerment and challenge men to be supportive of the programmes and initiatives. There is a need to consolidate Women Empowerment Programmes and Initiatives in South Africa to achieve maximum impact. Women are in the majority in South Africa. Their active participation in the economic activities of the country will increase our economic production, management and leadership capacity. This will make us economically competitive in the continent and globally. This is not a favour to women, but economic resource needs that cannot be ignored any longer.

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 12th August 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

Sept - COMETSA PMS Transformation & Change 
Management Network (TCMN)

·        Definition: There are very few institutions of learning that teach Economic Empowerment & Transformation as a qualification, and yet this is one of the key components of the South African economic & political environment. Any business strategy that does not start by unpacking these two phenomena it is ignorant of the realities of the South Africa of today, and it is likely to miss the opportunities that are associated with this country. The forum is created for the practitioners and academics to get together and unpack the issues. We will encourage the participants to bring case studies to the round tables, discuss and present them to the plenary for further deliberations. The only constant in today business is transformation. And the economic empowerment of the neglected sectors of the South African society is imperative for all the companies that are committed to the growth of our country. 

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 9th September 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

Oct - COMETSA PMS Development Agencies 
Forum (DAF)

·        Definition: South Africa is known to have benefited from the active society of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who volunteered to resolve community development problems associated with the neglect of the previous Apartheid Government. However, post-1994 a number of NGOs disappeared as more and more people opted for business opportunities that came with our young democracy. We are now where we were before. There is a need for more social entrepreneurs and NGOs to tackle the problems of poverty, unemployment and inequality. Some private companies have established Foundations and Corporate Social Investments (CSI) Programmes to respond to these challenges. We would like to bring these practitioners and organizations together to discuss the trends in this important sector of our society. We encourage professionals and companies to present case studies and insights to develop each other. Some institutions of learning have introduced Social Entrepreneurship Programmes to equip practitioners with knowledge to grow and professionalize the sector.

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 14th October 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

Nov - COMETSA PMS Entrepreneurship Development 
Network (EDN)

·        Definition: Economic empowerment and transformation in the South African context means growing the participation by previously disadvantaged individual in the main economic sectors of the country. However, the current economic players seem not to see the benefit in allowing new players in. We want the current and aspiring entrepreneurs to come together and debate on what needs to happen to change the status quo. South Africa cannot be globally competitive as long as the bigger part of the population is excluded from the economic activity. This is self-defeating and must be addressed. Business, especially, the private sector must want to address this situation. It is to their benefit. Let us drive entrepreneurship development until we have reached the critical mass that guarantees the country a meaningful position in global entrepreneurship competitiveness. This is more than Black Economic Empowerment. It is about global entrepreneurship competitiveness. When are we going to feature meaningfully in global entrepreneurship week competitiveness?

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 18th November 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.

Dec - COMETSA PMS Executive Coaches 
Network (ECN)

·        Definition: The Executive Coaches Network is a platform established for the practitioners in the Executive Coaching Sector to interact, network, exchange knowledge, information, and discuss trends in the sector. The dialogues provide the opportunity for the coaches, clients, sponsors and aspiring professional coaches to discuss new methodologies, approaches, practices, and challenges nationally, continentally and globally. The resolutions from the round table dialogues and plenary are posted onto the social media platforms to attract inputs from the international and local network who could not attend the dialogues. The ultimate objective is to continue the dialogue beyond the day of the event and grow human capital through executive coaching interventions.

·        Day: Saturday, morning
·        Date: 9th December 2017
·        Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (morning)
·        Host Resident Facilitator: Sam Tsima (COMETSA)
·        Guest Associate Facilitator: To be confirmed
·        Fee per Person:

Ø Volunteer (V) = R 350.00;
Ø Member (M) = R 450.00
Ø Non-Member (NM) = R 550.00

·        RSVP (Reservation/Booking): COMETSA Office (Ms Ayanda Oshima and Ms Pinky Nevondo), Tel. +27 (0) 11 974 9308; Email: ; ;

·        Terms of Participation: COMETSA Office will issue invoice once the RSVP has been received. Only those participants that have fully paid their invoices, 24 hours before begin of the Network/Forum will be able to join the session. RSVPs not cancelled 24 hours before start of the event will be regarded as having attended and will be due for payment of the invoice.

·        Venue: The Mannah Executive Guest Lodge, Hotel & Conference Centre, 39 Pomona Road (M32), Kempton Park, Tel. +27 11 979 2820/1690/2070 ;

·        Refreshments: Tea/Coffee and muffins/scones and water will be provided.  Any other services from Mannah Conference Centre (full breakfast/brunch, beverages, etc) are on participants’ account and should be ordered directly with the Conference Centre

·        Hotel Accommodation: Those who want to arrive the night before should make arrangement directly with The Mannah Executive Lodge – Hotel and carry the costs self.

·        Airport Shuttle: The Mannah Executive Hotel & Conference Centre offers a shuttle service to the OR Tambo International Airport Johannesburg. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the airport.


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