COMETSA PMS The LEKGOTLA Way Networks & Forums - Running Order

The inaugural COMETSA PMS The LEKGOTLA Way Networks & Forums is taking place on Saturday, the 11th February 2017, from 09h00 to 12h00. 

Here is the standing monthly running order (working session):

ARRIVAL: 08h00 - 09h00: Registration and Pre-Session Networking (in the Garden)

·         09h00 - 09h10: Opening & Welcome, and Round-Tables Checking-In (10 Minutes) (in the hall)

·         09h10 - 09h20: The LEKGOTLA Way Methodology Demonstration (10 Minutes) (in the hall)

·         09h20 - 09h50: COMETSA PMS Theme Presentation (30 Minutes) (in the hall)

·         09h50 - 10h50: Round-Tables Conversations - The LEKGOTLA Way (1 Hour) (in the hall or garden)

·         10h50 - 11h50: The Plenary, and Q & A (1 Hour) (in the hall)

·         11h50 - 12h00: Closure and Round-Table Checking - Out (10 Minutes) (in the hall)

DEPARTURE: 12h00 - 13h00: Post-Session Networking (in the Garden)

NB: These Networks & Forums will take place monthly, around the second Saturday of each month. Stay connected and be on the lookout for the monthly announcements and invitations.


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