Module 1 - The African Heritage Preserved: LEKGOTLA Methodology Facilitation Development Programme

This Module takes place on Saturday, the 24th April 2021 at 08h00 - 17h00, South Africa Standard Time (SAST), virtually via Zoom Platform. To RSVP use the Event URL ; The LEKGOTLA Methodolofy is the African Methodology for creating the environment favourable to active thinking, dialogue, engagement, learning, development and resolving conflicts among teams, groups, and clubs. The LEKGOTLA Way, our HERITAGE! We marked the COMETSA 20th Anniversary Celebrations in 2017 with the launch of the monthly COMETSA PMS LEKGOTLA Networks. These take a form of presentations, dialogues, conversations,and questions and answers format facilitated by COMETSA Methodologists, Experts,Associates and Partners. There is a strong case for learning this methodology. In this fast changing world, it is impossible to remain at the required level of knowledge, expertise, and information without formal and informal continuous professional development. As a human capital, management & leadership development and consulting company COMETSA saw a need to develop, coordinate and host such networks. Initially these networks were hosted live in the Gauteng Province, South Africa. We are now holding them virtually via Zoom monthly. We are waiting anxiously to bring back face to face sessions, in combination with the virtual sessions, and take them to the other provinces of South Africa in the form of tours, and to the rest of the African continent and the world. As an organisation we are in need of Facilitators, Champions, Consultants and Volunteers who would like to undergo our monthly training and be qualified in the COMETSA PMS LEKGOTLA Facilitation Methodology. On completion the participants will be signed off as being competent. If they take the membership of our sister organization, COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club NPO they will also be given the opportunity to become the Business Associates of COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd. This will give them the opportunity to work with COMETSA on projects that require the LEKGOTLA Facilitation Methodology. MODULE 1 covers the following content: 1.1. The Origin, Rules and Modern Relevance of LEKGOTLA Methodology, 1.2. The Objectives of the Application of the LEKGOTLA Methodology, 1.3. The Promotion of LEKGOTLA Methodology and Practice. The participants are expected to attend our monthly COMETSA PMS LEKGOTLA Networks, via Zoom for now, to gain the practical experience of a typical LEKGOTLA Networks in session. The COMETSA PMS LEKGOTLA Methodology Facilitation Development Programme is provided jointly by COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club NPO in association with COMETSA PMS LEKGOTLA Networks, a division of COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd. The programme is made up of eight modules, and are offered monthly as follows: MODULE 1: The African Heritage Reserved (24th April 2021); MODULE 2: The Rationale for the Conversations (22nd May 2021); MODULE 3: The Application - Part 1 (26th June 2021); MODULE 4: The Application - Part 2 (24th July 2021); MODULE 5: The Application - Part 3 (28th August 2021); MODULE 6: Family of Facilitation Methodologies (11th September 2021); MODULE 7: The LEKGOTLA Methodology Value Add (9th October 2021); and MODULE 8: Recognition, Competence and Practice (6th November 2021).


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