COMETSA DJ/Broadcasters Development Programme (2020 - 2021)
All the current paid up members of COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club NPO qualify to be registered as DJs/Broadcasters at COMETSA Radio Station, and participants in the COMETSA DJs/Broadcasters Development Programme 2020 - 2021. They will be invited by our radio production team to either host, co-host or be guests at any of our shows.
The requirement is to be fully paid up member for the current period. Any member whose membership has expired will not qualify for this opportunity. The registered DJs/Broadcasters who fail to renew their membership within the stipulated period, after receiving renewal notification from our digital platform, will be disqualified and deregistered from the programme. To get back into the COMETSA DJs/Broadcasters Development Programme 2020 - 2021 after late renewal of their membership they will have to apply manually at COMETSA Offices. There is no guarantee that they will be restored to the programme.
We are also extending this opportunity to the next 100 new members that will join COMETSA Friends & Supporters NPO (for the first time) between today, the 19th October 2020, and the 31st March 2021.
To apply for membership go to www.CometsaClub.Africa , under MEMBERSHIP follow all the steps that take you to our portal, and complete the online membership application form. Alternatively go directly to www. CometsaFriendsAndSupportersClu b.WildApricot.Org and go to Membership. This is fully automated until to the point of effecting payment. Once you have deposited your membership fee scan the proof to callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.Com ; The office will activate the completion of your online membership application. The system will generate your membership number and digital card. We will send you a welcome letter. The rest will fall into place. We are waiting to welcome you onboard COMETSA ship.
Membership Fees: Individual Membership = R150.00/Year; Corporate Membership = R5,500.00/Year
Corporate Members qualify to register two representatives in the COMETSA DJs/Broadcasters Development Programme 2020 - 2021.
NB: All the current fully paid up members can expect email from Radio.Co from today, inviting them to register as DJs/Broadcasters at COMETSA Radio. All they need to do is to click on the link, use their email address as their Username, allocate their own Password, and complete their profile. We will be able to see their registration on our side. Thereafter they must be in touch with Michael Molaba at COMETSA Office and declare their interest in our broadcasting programmes of their choice. Our various DJs/Hosts of the Programmes will be made aware of their interests. Depending on the open slots they will be considered as either Co-Hosts or Guest DJs. There are many slots. There is no need to worry about lack of slots. We are a 24/7 streaming radio.
The COMETSA DJs/Broadcasters Development Programme 2020 - 2021 starts on the 1st November 2020 and ends on the 31st December 2021. This is a comprehensive programme. We can assure you that it is going to be fun. The era of internet streaming radio and podcasting is here to stay. Our 24/7 internet streaming COMETSA Radio is our response to the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). Don’t lose the opportunity to be part of the experience.
There will be other benefits as we launch our Online Shop, www.Cometsa-GoC.Com/Shop , on the 1st November 2020.
For further information contact COMETSA Office at callcentre@Cometsa-GoC.Com
COMETSA Radio Streaming Links: www.CometsaRadio.Com ; Standard Streaming: se8f4864a6/listen ; Mobile Streaming: se8f4864a6/low
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