Part 2/2019: Podcasting in the Context of The 4th Industrial Revolution

Podcasting has a young history but it is growing very fast as one of the social media platforms and vehicle for content marketing. Apple contributed to the development of podcasting. In fact every iPhone comes with Podcast App as a default. The mobile phones enable users to download podcast and many other Apps. This is a major contributor to the growth of the podcasting industry. The technologies that defines The 4th Industrial Revolution have impact on our lives and many sectors in the society. The most to benefit are the education, learning & development, and knowledge transfer sectors. Podcasting is one of the technology mediums to emerge in these sectors. It offers the opportunity to the teachers, facilitators, and consultants to maximize their delivery of lectures and knowledge to students. All what they need is to download a podcast app, subscribe to the podcaster, follow the platform and then learn at their own time, place, and pace. When the new episodes are published they receive notifications. “Using a podcast in your teaching can encourage your students to engage with your classes, your material and to never miss a thing”, Colin Gray, 

NEW vs LEGACY TECHNOLOGIES: The podcasters do not have the problem of legacy technologies like broadcasters. They are the early adopters of the 4th Industrial Revolution technologies, unlike the broadcasters who may have to dispose legacy technologies before adopting the new ones. Most podcasters do not need fixed podcasting studios. They use mobile recording studios on smart mobile phones, tablets with editing capabilities, and music libraries. Upon completion of recording they can immediately publish their recording on podcasts hosts. These podcasts have settings that can automatically distribute the episodes on social media platforms. This means that the podcaster can go viral within seconds. That is why the most famous podcasters have big followings that makes broadcasters to only admire. 

BENEFITS: Some of the benefits of podcasting mentioned by Colin Gray are, (1) Flexible availability, 24 hours a day: It is portable and convenient; (2) Students listen for longer than they’ll watch or read: they can learn while performing other duties, like while driving, in the bus, washing dishes, etc.; (3) Student created content: they can create their own content or record the lectures and be more engaged with the material; (4) Lecture review: this is very helpful in preparation for the examinations; (5) Make up for missed classes: lecturers who are not available to provide the lecture personally can record their lecture and submit it via podcast; (6) Consistency of student experience: the material on podcast assist lecturers who teach many classes  to be consistent; (7) Benefits for mental and visual impairments: virtually impaired leaners benefit immensely from podcasting as the material is delivered auditory;

FAMOUS PODCASTS: The growth of podcasting depends on the personal brand of the podcasters. The following are listed as the top 5 podcasts of 2018 globally: Position 1 (Slow Burn Season 2); Position 2 (Serial Season 3); Position 3 (Caliphate); Position 4 (In the dark Season 2); Position 5 (Personal Best).

DEMAND DRIVEN: Podcasting is driven by demand for content, which relates to, for example, entertainment, education, information, advisory, research, sport, compliance, regulations, etc. So, it has multiple areas of application, which may be general or highly specialized.

NO BARRIERS TO ENTRY: It is pleasing to note that barriers of entry into the podcasting business or activity are not much. All what one needs is content, podcasting hosting app, mobile recording app, internet connectivity, time, dedication, and passion. So, most podcasters are podcasting in their own individual capacity. 

LINKED TO EXISTING BRANDS: Most podcasters link their podcasts to their existing brands. In other words they use podcasting to position and promote their business brands. However, there are already podcasters who have made podcasting their main enterprise and they are growing very fast. 

PODCAS MOVEMENT: In the US, the podcasters have established the podcast movement which holds annual podcast festival. It is the ultimate gathering spot for anyone interested in or involved with podcasting and the podcast industry. Active and aspiring podcasters, industry representatives, and podcasting professionals from around the world will converge for three and half days and nights at this year’s Podcast Movement on August 13 - 16, 2019, in Orlando, Florida. Their Mission: “Simply put, the goal of Podcast Movement is to bring together and educate active and aspiring podcasters, and to grow the podcast community and industry as a whole. We do this through educational and informative breakthrough sessions and panels spread across seven tracks, enlightening and encouraging keynote presentations, and fun networking events and parties. With over 4,000 podcasters joining us over the last six years from nearly 30 different countries (and growing), we are excited to continue the mission of Podcast Movement for many years to come”, 

PODCASTING vs BROADCASTING: There is a view that Podcasting is about to disrupt Broadcasting. This may be so, but the two are also complementing each other. More and more broadcasters archive their programmes post broadcasting in a form of podcasts. However, it is important to note that the two are not the same. Podcasting will most likely outstrip broadcasting in numbers because of internet and the technologies of The 4th Industrial Revolution. Broadcasters have no choice but join the Podcasting sector and the Movement. That is the only to sustain their business, and multiply their content provision. 

GOING VIRAL: Due to internet the individual and/or organization podcasters are able to make their podcasts go viral. Over and above having their podcasts as a kind of a social media platform, they use other social media platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other podcasts hosts to distribute their content. They can also be embedded in the websites of curating organizations. 

RECORDED vs LIVE PODCASTS: The podcasts have permanent shelf live. They are either originated live or recorded. And they are immediately archived and accessed for life. The podcasters do not have spectrum problems, and go global immediately via internet. The reach is huge. If your content appeals to the global audience, you can become an overnight celebrity. 

CONTACT: For further discussion and engagement contact me via my office at COMETSA, tel. +27 11 974 9308; cell. +27 72 376 7503; ; 


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