COMETSA Sports Development Agency NPC

COMETSA DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES: COMETSA Development Agencies are diversified agencies. They are the Socio-Economic Development Arm of the COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd, although they are independent and have independent Board of Directors. Each Agency produces its own financial reports which are not consolidated into COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd. The agencies implement and/or support their projects in the communities, and sometimes collaborate with each other. Most of the projects are funded by independent individual and/or organization donors who identified COMETSA as a preferred implementing organization. The agencies also identify and implement community development projects on behalf of the Corporate Social Investment units of companies.


·        Type: a non-profit making organization with the main focus on sport development, in rural, peri-urban, urban, and township communities.
·        Vision: to be the most preferred sport development agency that channels development resources to needy sport development and community projects for and by sports persons and organisations.
·        Mission: identify sports and community development projects, programmes, activities, and events. Source and channel the funds to their implementation and ensure that the development of all sporting codes for the selected communities is sustainable over a long term.
·        Main objective: to conceptualize, design and deploy programmes, services and solutions through the following Business Units, at the national, provincial and local levels: Sport Academy, Sport Research, Sport Forums, Sport Facilities, Sport Consulting, Cometsa Olympia Development Sport Clubs, and Cometsa Sport Development Fund,

COMETSA “RELEASE” Concept is the foundation of Cometsa Development Agencies

·        R = Recreation. At COMETSA we believe in the slogan “Body, Mind and Soul”. That means that a healthy mind in a healthy body will results in a healthy soul.
·        E = Entertainment (incl. Music).  We develop talent in modern, traditional, and global entertainment and music.
·        L = Leisure. Our country has got the best weather in the world. As a result the leisure industry holds great future for the country.
·        E = Education. Education is the central part of our programmes. We have realized that the level of literacy in our country is not sufficient to improve our competitiveness level in the world. It cannot be ignored.
·        A = Arts (inc. Culture). We are gifted in art. We would like to make sure that this gift is enhanced and preserved. We believe in exchanging our cultural heritage with the rest of the world.
·        S = Sport. COMETSA was founded through sport, soccer to be specific, and grew into areas of the RELEASE concept. Sport will remain key mobilization instrument for our organization.
·        E = Environment (incl. Community). We motivate our staff, members and clients to take care of their environment and use renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy.


·        Diversity:  We are made of different cultures, backgrounds, ethnic groups, religions, gender, and beliefs. We value our diversity.
·        Harmony:  We create the environment that is harmonious to our members, staff, management, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
·        Cultural understanding:  Our culture and traditional beliefs and practices form the corner stone of our beings.
·        Professionalism:  Everything we do, we do with absolute professionalism. We do not believe in mediocrity.
·        Creativity:  In order to ensure that our organization and its staff continue to grow, we encourage creativity at all times.
·        Efficiency:  We do not perform tasks just to meet the deadlines, but to be economical in doing so.


·        HERITAGE to HERITAGE: We take care of our heritage from generations to generations.
COMETSA Philosophy: The MIND! The JOURNEY! The DESTINY! (We apply our MINDS to the JOURNEY that takes us to our DESTINY)

·        The Mind:  plugged & active mind, sharing mind, futuristic mind, and inquiring mind.
·        The Journey:  aggressive promotion & selling of our ideas, give as we learn & earn, retain & invest our learning/earnings, and search for new opportunities
·        The Destiny: productivity & profitability, social responsibility & staff caring, growth & sustainability, and renewal & survival


To participate in the activities of COMETSA Sports Development Agency NPC as an individual, club, association, community, organization, or company, apply for your annual membership with COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club NPO.

·        Type: a non-profit making organisation (NPO) serving the interests of the members and friends of COMETSA organizations.
·        Vision: to provide development and social life opportunities for all the friends and supporters of COMETSA organizations
·        Mission: by organizing networking functions, events, special offers and development programmes for the members.
·        Main objective: mobilize people support and ensure that the members experience quality of life by belonging to COMETSA


Discounted Services:  Cometsa Friends & Supporters Club negotiates special rates with service and product suppliers for the members.
Counselling: Cometsa Friends & Supporters Club offers life counselling programmes and services to the members at preferential rates
Coaching: Cometsa Friends & Supporters Club offers life coaching and mentorship programmes and services to the members at preferential rates.
Mentoring: Cometsa Friends & Supporters Club offers sport coaching and mentoring programmes to the members at preferential rates.
Careers Programmes: Cometsa Friends & Supporters runs campaigns and programmes to promote professionalism in sports. We promote sport careers and would like to encourage the youth to enter the sports industry with relevant sport qualifications.
Career Guidance: Cometsa Friends & Supporters Club in partnership offers career guidance programmes to the members at preferential rates.


·        Access to youth talent pool: the corporate members of Cometsa are guaranteed to have access to the well groomed youth that forms part of the future talent pool.
·        Development projects identification: Cometsa programmes and projects are spread all over the country. Some of these areas are not easily accessible for most companies and organizations, and yet are designated priority areas for economic development by the Government. This means that they are the future growth markets. Cometsa is well positioned to take its corporate members to these regions and contribute jointly to their development.
·        Realization of Corporate Social Investment objectives: By contributing in the form of a corporate membership and by supporting community development projects, the company is able to add its contribution to its corporate social responsibility deliverables. The corporate members who do not have the capacity to run their own CSI projects are welcome to finance some of the projects run by Cometsa, as their CSI projects.
·        Access to international development programmes: Cometsa helps its corporate members in accessing international development programmes. Cometsa has partnerships with global organizations. These programmes are run both in South Africa and abroad. The programmes range from culture, music, art and culture to business and sport.
·        Leadership development for future needs: Cometsa concerns itself with the future of individuals, organizations, communities, and the country. Our vision: The Mind - The Journey - The Destiny says it all. We apply our Mind to the Journey that takes us to our Destiny. We are also concerned about leaving a lasting legacy for the generations to come. Cometsa is proud to be a facilitator of this worthy course.
·        Cultural awareness: The nation that is not aware of its diverse cultures suffers many unnecessary tensions among its citizens. Unfortunately this has become a matter that must also be dealt with at the work place. Our members are culturally aware and respect other people’s cultures.
·        Positive legacy: Cometsa believes that we should invest our resources in projects that will help in sustaining our country. Not all companies will be able to address this on their own. Since the 1st August 1997, Cometsa has developed an insight into the areas that are vulnerable due to the actions of mankind, especially environmental issues like renewable energies and can help our corporate members in conceptualizing programmes to address these areas.
·        Openness to continuous learning: our corporate members support, believe and have commitment to continuous learning principle. Our organization is a learning organization and rubs positively on our corporate members. 
·        Service excellence: Cometsa is thinking ahead in terms of the future needs. As our country becomes a key player in the world and deals directly with the challenges of globalisation, we must make available services to our corporate members.
·        Ability to adapt to new environments: we help our corporate members in adapting to new environments that we expose them to. Should our corporate members want to run art, culture, music and sport programmes, we are always ready to make our members available to facilitate the projects for them.

HOW TO APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP. Request membership application form from: ; Tel: +27 11 974 9308; or visit COMETSA website: and download the application form.We do not accept or handle cash transactions. To pay for your membership visit the nearest bank branch and make deposit into the organization bank account. The banking details are at the bottom of the application form. Scan the completed membership application form and proof of payment to  or post to: General Administrator,  COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club, P.O. Box 1126 Isando 1600, Gauteng Province, South Africa


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