Being In Touch With My Daily Thoughts (Part 1: Introduction)

#1ThoughtDaily @CometsaGoC ; of all your thoughts in a day, which one stands out and why? This is a daily routine for active minded people. Buy a journal, note down your daily thoughts as they appear in your mind. Rate each of your daily thoughts. At the end of the day, preferably before you go to bed, rate the thoughts. Take note of the trends and your own growth as you become used to this routine. You can now imagine how many people are missing the opportunity of learning from their daily thoughts. We do not take note of the many thoughts that go through our minds. As a result we are not learning from them. So, if you want to know about the thoughts that would have gone through my mind and what I would have learned in the period 06/2016 to 05/2017 I invite you to watch this space as I would be updating you on this interesting and fun project. By then you will understand how I would have grown from being in touch with my own thoughts. You, too, can start this practice over 365 days daily and grow from it. I can see you becoming fearful and scared to commit to it. Yes, it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, commitment, and discipline to record and post your thoughts over 365 days. I promise you, it is a beautiful journey.

On the 11th June 2016 I twitted under #1ThoughtDaily @CometsaGoC , "May God The Almighty Welcome The World's Greatest - Muhammad Ali in Heaven!" This is the week during which the world's greatest boxing world champion, Muhammad Ali, past on. The whole world was reflecting on what he had done for the world in and outside boxing ring.


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